5 Reasons My College Crate is the Perfect Back-to-School Gift

Send a Care Package to Your Favorite College Student!

When you send your newly-minted college student off to campus or into their own apartment for the first time, you want to be sure they have everything they need for a successful year. But you won’t be there to shop for them and restock when they run out of soap, or when they need to switch out their toothbrush. The new and improved My College Crate can help you.

Our college student care packages used to be full of snacks, with a few bonus items added in each month. But we got a lot of feedback from students and parents who expressed to us that while those treats were fantastic, a care package to inspire self-care was more what they needed to get through the academic year.

We responded by developing care packages for college students containing self-care items, school supplies, and other fun stuff. Of course, we’d be remiss if we didn’t throw in a couple of treats, too! We got our start in snack boxes, after all!

So, why send your college kid care packages from My College Crate? Here are five really great reasons.

College care packages keep the shopping list short.

Tuition is expensive enough without also having to fork over money for hygiene and care items for a student who doesn’t currently live in your household. Our care packages are filled with things your student will likely need to purchase over the course of a school year, which means they need fewer trips to the big box store or drugstore. Fewer trips means fewer impulse buys!

Surprise items equal big fun!

You never know what you’re going to get! Each month, the contents of your college student’s care package change, so every time you send them a box, they’ll get a surprise. These care packages bring smiles to their faces, even when they’re incredibly stressed out about their term paper or big calculus exam.

Care packages are an incredible value.

Not only do we pack these care packages full of items valued at more than we charge for the boxes themselves, but the first box you send is just $29.99! Our care package contents are valued at a minimum of $55 each. That’s like getting $25 in free stuff!

They’re full of useful items.

We know what college students like and need. That’s why our care packages include actually useful items. In the past, we’ve included gift cards to coffee shops, water bottles, Bluetooth speakers, cleaning supplies, and more. Because everything is valuable to a college student, they’ll love receiving these care packages. (And if they receive an item they don’t particularly love, you can bet their roommate will be interested in it.)

College care packages are an easy way to show you care.

Nightly phone calls might happen the first few weeks of school before homesickness subsides. But after that, you won’t hear from your college kid as often. Help them keep you at top-of-mind and give them a good reason to call home by sending our college care packages to their dorm or apartment.

The 2020-2021 school year is about to start. Are you ready? Reserve your student’s August care package, which we’ve dubbed the “Fresh & Clean” crate by placing your order online.